Home Tools Whistle Phone Finder PRO APK

Whistle Phone Finder PRO APK


Whistle Phone Finder PRO is THE BEST Android Finder (Phone Locator) application found on Google Play which has helped many people locate their Android device with just a simple WHISTLE after losing it, forgetting it somewhere or being hidden somewhere in a room on a desk behind papers, in a briefcase or in a coat pocket etc. The app was already downloaded over 3 Million times!!

ATTENTION: Please find some important features in the latest version release v4.29 such as custom ringtone (melody) selection (MP3 or M4A files), lower battery consumption, less advertising, smaller download package, improved whistle detection, and optional haptic feedback at whistle detection event!

Here are the main features of the new Whistle Phone Finder PRO 4.29:

Whistle Phone Finder PRO contains now the Battery Guard feature which can be configured to disable Whistle Android Finder enabled if the battery level drops below the predefined value!

Whistle Phone Finder PRO can be enabled or disabled under the settings tab. Simply run the application and the settings tab will appear! Remember: Whistle detection is working ONLY when the device is sleeping (i.e. when the screen is OFF).

Once enabled, Whistle Phone Finder PRO will truly work “forever” even if you reboot your Android device! Of course, you can disable it under the settings tab at any time.

Whistle Phone Finder PRO integrates the ability to release the microphone of your Android device during incoming or outgoing calls or when the screen of your device is ON! After a call ends, the normal background operation of whistle detection will resume automatically.

It is possible to choose among 5 different whistle detection sensitivity levels! Whistle Phone Finder PRO is just ready to adapt to any Android device regardless of the specifics of integrated acoustic components.

Requirements: Android 6.0+
Developer: Bojan Kotnik