Home Tools Auto Memory Cleaner | Booster APK

Auto Memory Cleaner | Booster APK


Auto Memory Cleaner is NOT task killer, this is the most effective memory cleaner on the market.

Auto Memory Cleaner runs in background and according to your settings cleans your memory in purpose of better performance and less lags. Your running processes and their tasks are restarted and not killed and this is much more effective way than using any other task killer or memory cleaner. This method prevents the memory overflow and also boosts speed of your device. This application is running in the background and does all the work for you. Battery consumption of this application is minimal. You can set whether you want to clean memory in specific time or every time when screen is turned on/off or when your memory usage is higher than specific value. You can also choose which processes you want to be cleaned and which not.

★Memory cleaner
-Screen off cleaning – Cleans memory when screen turns off
-[!] Screen on cleaning – Cleans memory when screen turns on
-[!] Memory usage cleaning – Cleans memory when memory usage is higher than specific value
-[!] Daytime cleaning – Cleans memory during specific daytime
★Running apps
-Select which apps you want to clean and which not
-Restart processes manually
★Memory info
-Total memory
-Internal storage
-External storage

[!] – only in Premium version


Requirements: Android 4.0.3+
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