Home Tools Avast Cleanup & Boost – Phone Cleaner and Optimizer APK

Avast Cleanup & Boost – Phone Cleaner and Optimizer APK


Avast Cleanup is a highly effective cache and junk cleaner app for Android.

Free up storage space
Clean up space-wasting junk to make room for the things you want.
• Clear out app cache and other unnecessary files from Android and your apps, such as caches, temporary files or leftover data
• See which apps are taking up the most space
• Identify and delete apps you no longer use

Detox your photo library
Automatically identify and remove bad photos to free up space. If Avast Cleanup isn’t 100% sure about a bad photo, you’ll get to review it.
• Clean your photo library in a few taps
• Get rid of duplicate, similar, old, and poor quality photos
• Optimize photo size and move originals to the cloud
• Identify the ‘best photo’ out of a group

NEW! Tune up performance (RAM Cleaner)
Hibernation Mode stops hungry apps from consuming your resources.
• Easily clean RAM and boost performance of your device in just a few taps
• Hibernate apps to extend battery life and speed up your phone
• Stop CPU, battery, memory and traffic draining apps
• Remove pre-installed bloatware and other apps you never use

Boost battery life
Get the most out of your phone’s battery so you can stay on the go longer.
• Turn off phone functions you don’t use very often
• Clean your RAM
• Set profiles to auto-adjust battery usage depending on where you are (home, work, car)

Requirements: Android 4.4+