Home Tools LCD Screen Tester APK

LCD Screen Tester APK


Designed specifically for mobile phone repair shops and wholesale buyers and sellers of LCD screen assemblies.

You no longer need to buy expensive testing box devices that only work for specific models. With various configuration settings, you’ll be able to conduct an LCD screen test with SPEED, ACCURACY and SAFETY of your logic board and LCD screen.

* Various testing modes including Automatic, Swipe, Touch and Shake.
* Tired of seeing Miss High Resolution Chinese woman image on start of test?
– Change by selecting an alternate image file on your device.
* Power-Off LCD screen after individual LCD test to prevent electrical damage to logic board and LCD screen.
* Bulk testing mode for high volume testing needs.
* Configurable testing speeds.
* Pause test and resume with touch and volume buttons (in case LCD touch is broken)
* Full Screen Pixel Range Test
* Default Brightness, Screen Positioning and Sound on App load.
* Sensitivity settings for Swipe and Shake.
* Color choice selection
* Audible sound tones for testing complete and screen power on/off.

– Application does not store or require access to any “personal” information and is currently free of ads and free to download.

Requirements: Android 2.2+
Developer: Harvest Cellular LLC
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